10 possibilities and 10 restrictive things you might not know about UPDATE

This is mostly about the UPDATE command. Features which I noticed, that many do not know about. Some are really useful, but most fall in the category of “interesting to know”.

An update can do that!?

1 – we can update multiple columns with a single subselect

 Update t1
set (a,b) = (select t2.a,t2.b from t2 where t1.id = t2.id)

2 – the returning clause of an update can have an aggregation

 update t1
set c1 = c1+100
returning sum(c1) into … 

3 – updates can be restricted to a partition

 update t1 partition (p1)
set ...

4 – an update with flashback data from the same table is possible

UPDATE employees u
SET salary = (SELECT e.salary
              FROM employees e
              WHERE e.last_name = 'Chung')
WHERE u.last_name = 'Chung'; 

5 – we can update a TABLE() expression

example from the docs

update TABLE(select h.people -- this is a nested table column
                  from hr_info h
                  where h.department_id = 280 ) p
SET p.salary = p.salary + 100;

6 – SELECT can be harmful because of the FOR UPDATE clause

Using only the SELECT privilege on a table we can lock the whole table by using SELECT FOR UPDATE. So using only select privileges we can do some serious harm for a running application. That is one reason why SELECT ANY TABLE is so dangerous to grant. The new READ privilege avoids that issue. It allows to SELECT a table but not to LOCK it. READ was introduced in Oracle DB

7 – SELECT FOR UPDATE allows to skip locked rows

select *
from employees
where department = 'IT'
for update of salary
skip locked;

8 – the LOG ERRORS clause can have a text (a simple expression) to indicate which update produced the error

Usually log errors is used during insert operations. But it is also possible for updates.

And the chance is high, that we will run multiple updates, so it makes even more sense to mark the single update by adding some text to the “tag” column.

create table t2 (id number primary key, str varchar2(100));

insert into t2 values (1, '10-AUG-2018');
insert into t2 values (2, '13-NOV-2018');
insert into t2 values (3, 'SEP-15-2018');


  DBMS_ERRLOG.create_error_log (dml_table_name => 'T2');

alter table t2 add dt date;

update t2
set dt = to_date(str)
log errors into ERR$_T2('update try 1, format='||sys_context('userenv','nls_date_format'))
reject limit unlimited;

select ora_err_mesg$, ora_err_tag$, id, str from err$_t2;

drop table t2;
drop table err$_t2;

ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expectedupdate try 1, format=DD-MON-RR3SEP-15-2018

Our string to date conversion failed, but we captured the row that failed and also the sessions nls_date_format.

9 – materialized views can be made updateable

create materialized view myMV ...
refresh fast
with primary key for update

update myMV
set    col1 = 'ABC'

But after a refresh the changes are lost!

10 – We can update a column to its DEFAULT value

Which is not the same as setting it to null (unless the column is declared with DEFAULT ON NULL).

alter table scott.emp modify hiredate default sysdate;

update scott.emp
set hiredate = default
where empno = 7900;

select * from scott.emp where empno=7900;
EMPNO      ENAME      JOB       MGR        HIREDATE          SAL        COMM       DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
7900       JAMES      CLERK     7698       07.11.18 12:38:22 950                   30

restrictions and other features

11 – we can not combine select for update with a row limiting clause (fetch first)

select *
from emp
where empno = 7900
fetch first 1 row only
for update of job;

ORA-02014: cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.

But we can select for update a table limited by rownum.

select *
from emp
where empno = 7900
and rownum = 1
for update of job;

7900 JAMES CLERK 7698 03.12.81 00:00:00 950 30
1 row selected.

The reason of cause is, how the row limiting clause is rewritten using the analytic ROW_NUMBER() function.

12 – A before update statement trigger can trigger twice

see also: this OTN thread
and The trouble with triggers by Tom Kyte.

BEFORE Triggers Fired Multiple Times

If an UPDATE or DELETE statement detects a conflict with a concurrent UPDATE, then Oracle Database performs a transparent ROLLBACK to SAVEPOINT and restarts the update. This can occur many times before the statement completes successfully. Each time the statement is restarted, the BEFORE statement trigger is fired again. The rollback to savepoint does not undo changes to any package variables referenced in the trigger.

13 – the MODEL clause has a RETURN UPDATED ROWS mode

This mode only returns rows that were updated by one of the rules.

select * from scott.emp
dimension by (empno)
measures (job, sal, comm)
rules (job[7900] = 'DRIVER'
      ,comm[7900] = 300
7900  DRIVER 950 300

Without the RETURN UPDATED ROWS setting all the rows would have been selected.

A slightly different effect can be reached using “RULES UPDATE”. The rule is used only for those rows, that existed already. No new rows will be created. Default is UPSERT (rows inserted and updated by the rules).

We now partition additionally by department.

select * from scott.emp
  partition by (deptno)
  dimension by (empno)
  measures (job, sal, comm)
  rules UPDATE (
     job[7900] = 'DRIVER'
    ,comm[7900] = 300

20	7369	CLERK	        800	
30	7499	SALESMAN	1600	300
30	7521	SALESMAN	1250	500
20	7566	MANAGER	        2975	
30	7654	SALESMAN	1250	1400
30	7698	MANAGER	        2850	
10	7782	MANAGER	        2450	
10	7839	PRESIDENT	5000	
30	7844	SALESMAN	1500	0
20	7902	ANALYST	        3000	
10	7934	CLERK	        1300	
30	7900	DRIVER	        950	300

The rules are executed for each partition. And without the UPDATE setting, a new entry for department 10 and 20 would have been made. Since we used UPDATE, only one existing row was changed.

14 – an update can change rowids

ROWIDs are very stable. Row chaining will not change the rowid and not even row migration will do it.

But there are ways (I know two, there might be more) how the original rowid can change.

  • An update on the partition key can move the row to a different partition.
  • When updateing a row in a table compressed with Hybrid Columnar Compression, the ROWID of the row may change.

15 – An update with RETRY_ON_ROW_CHANGE hint is retried, if ORA_ROWSCN changed


So far it is not clear what the RETRY_ON_ROW_CHANGE hint is good for. It was discussed that it might be used in connection with edition based redefinition (EBR) and cross edition triggers.

16 – parallel UPDATE is not supported for temporary tables.

Same goes for DELETE and MERGE.

Potential test code (not verified yet)


create global temporary table t1 (col1 number, col2 varchar2(100));
insert into t1
select level as col1,'0' as col2
from dual connect by level <= 100000;

update /*+ parallel(t1, 4) */ t1
set col2=sys_context('userenv','sid')
where col1 < 90000;

select col2, count(*) cnt from t1 group by col2;

drop table t1;

---- -----
612  89999
0    10001

We see only one session (sid=612), so the conclusion is that the parallel hint was ignored.

The code above is how I think, this can be tested. However the test also needs to ensure, that when using a real table, that more than one session is used and reported via the sys_context. I couldn’t verify that yet (didn’t work on livesql and parallel is not an option on Standard Edition, so don’t try it there).

17 – it is possible to update remote lobs

The 12.2 new features guide has some information ( 12.2 new features guide)

and there is a direct note in the description of the UPDATE command: 12.2. sql reference (UPDATE)

Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), the UPDATE statement accepts remote LOB locators as bind variables. Refer to the “Distributed LOBs” chapter in Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer’s Guide for more information.

SecureFiles: Distributed LOBs

So far I didn’t have the chance to test it. But it looks useful.

18 – To update an identity column is not allowed

create table t1 (id number generated as identity, name varchar2(100));
insert into t1(name) values ('Fred');
insert into t1(name) values ('Wilma');
insert into t1(name) values ('Barney'); 

update t1
set id = 4
where name = 'Fred';

ORA-32796: cannot update a generated always identity column

Also a virtual column can not be updated. However an invisible column can – unless it is virtual or an identity column.

The identity restriction is one of the main reasons, why I prefere to create a column as DEFAULT ON NULL with a value for the sequence.

create sequence t1_seq;

create table t1 (id number default on null t1_seq.nextval primary key, name varchar2(100));

19 – the number of updates against a table can be seen in xxx_TAB_MODIFICATIONS

select inserts, updates, deletes, truncated, timestamp
where table_name = 'MYTABLE';

763     15799   761     NO        07.11.18 12:29:18

Data is tracked since the last time the statistics gathering job updated statistics or more consice when the statistics job decided, that the data in that table is stale. Sometimes this corresponds to the LAST_ANALYZED column in xxx_TAB_STATISTICS.

Two interesting blog posts that cover this useful feature:

Ulrike Schwirn (in German): Tabellen Monitoring mit DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS und SYS.COL_USAGE$


20 – at least 19 SQL commands have an “UPDATE” keyword

The following SQL commands can have “UPDATE” as a syntax keyword in some of their clauses included. The SELECT command has three different clauses. A command that allows to use a SELECT and therefore also an UPDATE is not counted for its select clause.

I’m not sure if the list is complete, but I searched through all syntax diagrams of 18.1. Feel free to comment if you know of another statement that allows a specific UPDATE keyword. Maybe there is something new in 18.3.

COMMANDclauseadditional info
ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENTupdate secretDoc: 18.1 SQL ref
ALTER AUDIT POLICYadd|drop actions update
ALTER INDEXupdate block referencesfor IOTs only
ALTER TABLEupdate indexesavoids indices to become UNUSABLE
ANALYZEvalidate ref updatecompare and correct rowids for REF values
AUDIT|NOAUDITupdate table|view|mvaudit of the update command
CREATE AUDIT POLICYupdate table|view|mvaudit (new version) of the update command
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEWwith primary key for updatecreates an updateable MV
CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASEcontainer_map updatepartitions created in cdb$root or application root are also updated in the new PDB.
CREATE TRIGGERbefore|after update
EXPLAIN PLANfor update
GRANT|REVOKEupdate on table|update any table|update any cube|…
LOCK TABLEshare updatesame as ROW SHARE, lock modes ROW SHARE and SHARE UPDATE
MERGEwhen matched then update
SELECTfor updatelocks the selected rows
SELECTmodel return updated rows;
model … rules update
part of the model clause
UPDATEwhole command

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