secret oracle db features

10 “secret” Oracle DB features you might not know

“Secret” here means either not documented or hidden in the documentation so deep that is is almost impossible to find.

1 – restart sequence

We can use a single ddl statement to reset a sequence. Works from 12.2 onwards.

alter sequence mySeq restart start with 115;

It is also possible to use this to reset an identity column!

alter table myTable
modify ID generated always as identity 
       restart start with 115;

This is not (yet) documented.

2 – hidden format options

We can display a negative number in round brackets using the “pt” format option. Which is not in the list of format options in the SQL reference.

select to_char(-10,'fm9990pt') from dual;

documented is the “pr” option which uses angle brackets

select to_char(-10,'fm9990pr') from dual;

See also this ODC thread.

This is documented, but not in the SQL Reference but in some OBI Publisher documentation.

3 – sample (x,y)

The SAMPLE clause is documented. It is part of the query table expression clause. Not documented is the second secret parameter y.

sample clause

The sample clause allows us to get a portion (a sample) of the tables data.

select * 
from employees SAMPLE(20); 

This returns 20 percent of the employees.

There is a ROW mode and a BLOCK mode. In BLOCK mode 20% of the blocks are returned, instead of 20% of the rows.

The sample clause has a second undocumented parameter.

select *
from employees SAMPLE(20, 0.5);

This also returns 20%. So far no obvious difference…

Jonathan Lewis mentioned that this second parameter is the number of consecutive groups/rows during row or block sampling. It was introduced during changes for the SAMPLE clause in 10g.

My non-representative tests showed that setting this parameter to 1 during block sampling makes sure we get results. Otherwise we frequently get blocks from the tables tablespace that are not filled with data. This seems to depend on the data distribution.

So… if a query like the following returns 0…

-- how many rows are in 1% of the blocks?
select count(*)
from employees SAMPLE BLOCK (1);

… then you can set the second parameter to 1 to be sure to get some data.

-- how many rows are in 1% of the blocks?
select count(*)
from employees SAMPLE BLOCK (1, 1);

Use at your own risk!

See also this ODC thread.

4 – Exadata test parameter

Warning! This is only for testing purposes! It can potentially destroy your database.

alter system set "_exadata_feature_on"=true scope=spfile;
shutdown immediate;

Using this parameter we can test some of the newest options which are available only on exadata/cloud, like automated indexing.

5 – sequence cache is not lost during graceful database shutdown

Shutdown normal|immediate|transactional will not loose the sequence cache. Instead the next value will be used and set as last_number. Only a shutdown abort will loose the cache.

This was documented somewhere but I am not able to find it anymore. it might be that only older versions of the oracle docs still have this information.

To confirm it, I tested it. It works in SE and EE. It will probably not work in the same way on a RAC – because there is a separate cache for each instance.

There is an indirect mention of the behaviour in the 11g admin guide.

The database might skip sequence numbers if you choose to cache a set of sequence numbers. For example, when an instance abnormally shuts down (for example, when an instance failure occurs or a SHUTDOWN ABORT statement is issued), sequence numbers that have been cached but not used are lost. Also, sequence numbers that have been used but not saved are lost as well. The database might also skip cached sequence numbers after an export and import. See Oracle Database Utilities for details.

So a shutdown abort will loose the sequence cache. All other “organized” shutdowns will keep the cache intact.

The problem is that most DBAs seem way too keen on doing a shutdown abort. So loosing the sequence cache looks like the default behaviour, although it is not.

6 – reorder columns

We can change the logical column order by setting them invisible and making them visible again. This can be used to reorder columns in the column list. Important to understand is that the table is not physically changed, only the data dictionary entry is manipulated.

If we want to reorder columns physically, maybe to improve data compression, then this is not the way to do it.


create table t (col1 number, col2 number);
Table T created.

desc t;
Name Null? Type   
---- ----- ------ 
COL1       NUMBER 
COL2       NUMBER 

/* make the first column invisible */
alter table t modify col1 invisible;
Table T altered.

desc t;
Name Null? Type   
---- ----- ------ 
COL2       NUMBER 

/* make the first column visible again */
alter table t modify col1 visible;
Table T altered.

desc t;
Name Null? Type   
---- ----- ------ 
COL2       NUMBER 
COL1       NUMBER 

/* the column order is now reversed */

To physically reorder a table we need to export/import it, use dbms_redefinition or move the table.

Side note: The describe command in SQL*plus (and SQL Developer) will not show invisible columns. You can change that by setting the documented SQL*PLUS parameter COLINVISIBLE.


desc t;
Name             Null? Type   
---------------- ----- ------ 
COL2                   NUMBER 

7 – object type “NON-EXISTENT”

Namespaces are used to avoid naming clashes between objects of different types. Among others the namespace 1 includes the object types table, view and function. So we can not have a table with the same name as a view or as a function.

There is a special object type in namespace 1 that is called “NON-EXISTENT”. This object type is used to mark dropped objects under edition based redefinition (EBR).


Assuming 3 editions: ORA$BASE => CHILD1 => CHILD2

-- switch to base edition (ORA$BASE)

Adding editionable code in the parent edition ORA$BASE.

-- create a new function in base (EDITIONABLE is the default)
create function test_editions return varchar2
  return 'Base';

Test the function in the child edition. It is usable. Although we didn’t create it there yet.

-- switch to child edition (CHILD1)

-- test function
select test_editions from dual;
function is functioning…

Now remove the function from the child edition, but not from the parent.

-- drop code
drop function test_editions;

-- test function again
select test_editions from dual;

ORA-00904: “TEST_EDITIONS”: invalid identifier

This error message was expected. The function was removed. No real object with the name “TEST_EDITIONS” exists (in namespace 1) in the edition CHILD1.
Just to be on the safe side, double check in parent edition:

-- switch back to base and test function
select test_editions from dual;
function still functioning in BASE

This is also the result that was expected. The function still works in the parent edition.

What does the data dictionary say? A special view user_objects_ae shows the objects from all editions (_ae):

-- Check dictionary
select object_name, edition_name, object_type, namespace, editionable, status
from user_objects_ae
where object_name = 'TEST_EDITIONS';

We see that in edition “CHILD1” the object type of the function now is “NON-EXISTENT”. This is important, otherwise the database would not know to return the ORA-00904 error message when it searches for this object.

If the whole row would not exist, then the object in edition CHILD1 would be inherited from the parent edition ORA$BASE. This was the data situation before the function was actualized in CHILD1.

Even after we drop the function from all editions, then the dictionary will still show the NON-EXISTENT entries.

A side note/warning:

The status of the function in the second child edition CHILD2 is invalid after running the sample code. This dictionary entry was created, when the function was dropped in CHILD1.

This is because this function was never compiled in CHILD2. That means the code never was actualized there. And when we drop the code from all parent editions, then in CHILD2 any try to compile the code will not give an error, but the status will remain invalid.

This is why it is strongly recommended to recompile all editionable objects after some code changes, but especially after deletes/drops. Each recompile breaks the relationship to the parent and actualizes the code. So code changes in the parent will not propagate to the child anymore after it was recompiled at least once in the child.

8 – connect / as sysdba to PDB

Using a bequeath connection we can login to an Oracle database without a username and a password. This only works directly on the server using an os account that has enhanced privileges (part of the oradba group). To do so the ORACLE_SID environment variable needs to be set. However this connects only to the CDB.

It is possible to do the same using the undocumented environment variable ORACLE_PDB_SID to do the same against a PDB.

Mike Dietrich has posted a nice blog post about it:


$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> show con_name


9 – print boolean values to serveroutput

There is an undocumented utility package sys.dbms_metadata_util that has a couple of interesting helper methods.

For example put_bool can be used to print boolean variables to serveroutput (using dbms_output).

-- print boolean values to dbms_output
set serveroutput on
  sys.dbms_metadata_util.put_bool('This is ', TRUE);
  sys.dbms_metadata_util.put_bool('This is ', FALSE);
  sys.dbms_metadata_util.put_bool('This is ', NULL);
META:13:17:57.489: This is TRUE
META:13:17:57.489: This is FALSE
META:13:17:57.489: This is FALSE

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

There are also several other interesting functions in this package. For example a way to convert dictionary column values of type LONG into a CLOB variable.

v_view_source := sys.dbms_metadata_util.long2clob(10000,'USER_SOURCE','TEXT',25) ;

10 – undo_sql

There is a way to create the opposite of an SQL DML statement. For an insert we get a delete, for a delete we get an insert with the deleted column values and for an update we get an update with the previous values.

This is documented, but not many people know about. It is part of the flashback logic and more specifically the flashback transaction query.

Using Oracle Flashback Transaction Query

Use Oracle Flashback Transaction Query to retrieve metadata and historical data for a given transaction or for all transactions in a given time interval. Oracle Flashback Transaction Query queries the static data dictionary view FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY, whose columns are described in Oracle Database Reference.

The column UNDO_SQL shows the SQL code that is the logical opposite of the DML operation performed by the transaction. You can usually use this code to reverse the logical steps taken during the transaction. However, there are cases where the UNDO_SQL code is not the exact opposite of the original transaction. For example, a UNDO_SQL INSERT operation might not insert a row back in a table at the same ROWID from which it was deleted.

Some security researchers (Alexander Kornbrust at DOAG 2019 – page 74) believe this poses an security risk, especially because it would allow us to find out about column values that are redacted. There are several ways to circumvent data redaction, and Oracle itself states that this feature is not ment as a high secure implementation (see Security Guidelines). So I don’t see that of a high risk. Using undo_sql to circumvent data redaction is the most complex hack I have seen so far – there are way easier methods.

Still an interesting feature. Here is an example.
It needs a lot of non default settings to make it work.


Using the HR demo schema to test this.

First some steps to enable supplemental logging which is needed for undo_sql to work.

-- preparations as DBA in the CDB
select * from dba_pdbs;
alter session set container = CDB$ROOT;
alter session set container = ORCL;
-- and as HR

Now we can do some changes.

-- as HR user
select * from hr.employees;

update hr.employees
set last_name = '--secret--'
where first_name = 'Randall';
2 rows updated.
delete from hr.employees
where first_name = 'Randall';
2 rows deleted.

Don’t commit or rollback yet. Simply change to another session/account.

-- as DBA
select undo_sql
where table_name='EMPLOYEES';


insert into "HR"."EMPLOYEES"("EMPLOYEE_ID","FIRST_NAME","LAST_NAME","EMAIL","PHONE_NUMBER","HIRE_DATE","JOB_ID","SALARY","COMMISSION_PCT","MANAGER_ID","DEPARTMENT_ID") values ('191','Randall','--secret--','RPERKINS','650.505.4876',TO_DATE('19-DEC-99', 'DD-MON-RR'),'SH_CLERK','2500',NULL,'122','50');
insert into "HR"."EMPLOYEES"("EMPLOYEE_ID","FIRST_NAME","LAST_NAME","EMAIL","PHONE_NUMBER","HIRE_DATE","JOB_ID","SALARY","COMMISSION_PCT","MANAGER_ID","DEPARTMENT_ID") values ('143','Randall','--secret--','RMATOS','650.121.2874',TO_DATE('15-MAR-98', 'DD-MON-RR'),'ST_CLERK','2600',NULL,'124','50');
update "HR"."EMPLOYEES" set "LAST_NAME" = 'Perkins' where ROWID = 'AAATiDAAMAAALKzABb';
update "HR"."EMPLOYEES" set "LAST_NAME" = 'Matos' where ROWID = 'AAATiDAAMAAALKzAAr';

-- as HR

Alternatively run the 4 statements from undo_sql.

-- reset setup changes

-- as HR

-- as DBA


10 undocumented or unknown features. Some are useful, some are interesting, some are simple gaps in the documentation. I hope you found at least one that you didn’t know before and liked to read about.

A quirk with object dependencies under EBR


USER_DEPENDENCIES does not show dependencies between objects in different editions. Which means, even when no dependencies are shown, we still can get errors when trying to drop objects. This is especially relevant when trying to drop TYPEs.

The basics

Oracle tracks dependencies between objects, for example packages but also between types. It provides us a view USER_DEPENDENCIES (and the matching ALL_|DBA_|CDB_DEPENDENCIES views) where we can see how those objects are related (are calling each other).

Here are two small examples

Example 1) Table + View

create table myTab (col1 number);
create view myView as select * from myTab;
Table MYTAB created.
View MYVIEW created.

Example 2) Object Type + Collection Type

create type myOT as object (col1 number);
create type myCT as table of myOT;
Type MYOT compiled

Type MYCT compiled

Further code demos will all assume that those 4 objects are in place unless mentioned otherwise.

The data dictionary

select * from user_dependencies;

We can ignore the references to the sys.standard package. I think they come from references to datatypes that are defined there. Those dependencies do not effect the following quirks.

Data dictionary shows that the view MYVIEW depends on the table MYTAB (example 1) and the collection type MYCT depends on the object type MYOT (example 2)

The dependency type HARD tells us, that we are not allowed to drop the referenced objects without breaking|invalidating the dependent object.

drop table mytab;
Table MYTAB dropped.
select status from user_objects where object_name = 'MYVIEW';

For types we get an error message when trying to drop it.

drop type myot;
ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents

Side note: Another dependency type would be REF, which we encounter for example when using materialized views (MV). If a table is dropped that is used by a select in the materialized view, then we can still fetch data from the MV.

To successfully drop both types we first need to drop the collection type MYCT before we can drop the referenced object type MYOT.

drop type myct;
drop type myot;
Type MYCT dropped.

Type MYOT dropped.

Ok, this worked as expected. Dropping the objects in the opposite order as we had created them.

How does it work under edition based redefinition (EBR)?

Views and types are both editionable objects. That means we can have several “versions” of them in the same schema under different editions.

Assuming my typical 3 edition hierarchy

(Parent ⇒ child1 ⇒ child2)  

I will only use ORA$BASE and ALPHA for this experiment. The 4 objects all have been created in ORA$BASE. Which means, they can be accessed also in the child editions. So let’s switch to ALPHA.

alter session set edition="ALPHA";
select sys_context('userenv','current_edition_name') from dual;

The data dictionary entries are the same as in the base edition.

select * from user_dependencies where name like 'MY%';

Now we compile one of the types, but NOT the other.

alter type myct compile;
Type MYCT altered.

This did actualize the type MYCT in the child edition. Actualization is a concept of EBR. When a parent object is (re)compiled in a child edition the code afterwards exists twice. In the parent and in the child edition.

We go back to the parent edition and repeat our test now.

alter session set edition="ORA$BASE";
select sys_context('userenv','current_edition_name') from dual;

We try again to drop the types in the correct drop order.

drop type myct;
drop type myot;
Type MYCT dropped.

Error starting at line : 2 in command -
drop type myot
Error report -
ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents

This time we can not drop the object type. Unfortunately the data dictionary does not tell, which object causes this dependency problem.

select * from user_dependencies where name like 'MY%';

MYOT is not in the list of referenced names anymore. So we should be able to drop it.

The problem is that the view USER_DEPENDENCIES only shows objects that are in the current edition or that are not editionable (like sys.standard). But we have created an dependency between the object MYCT that still exists in edition ALPHA to the object MYOT from the parent edition ORA$BASE.

Which objects exist in which edition can be checked using the user_objects_AE view. The AE stands for all editions.

select edition_name, object_name, object_type, editionable
from user_objects_ae
where object_name like 'MY%';

Because the type MYOT was never actualized in the edition ALPHA, we only have this object in the parent ORA$BASE. The dependency crosses from one edition to the other. In ALPHA we are still able to see this dependency in the dictionary.

So how can we drop the object in ORA$BASE?

There are three possible ways. Which way to choose depends on the reason why you dropped the object in the first place.

a) Use the force!

drop type myot force;

I do not recommend this, but there are situations were it is the most easy way. This also invalidates any usage of the dependent collection type in the child edition. It is very easy to overlook such an issue therefore only use FORCE when you understand what the reason the the error is and why it is ok to use FORCE,

b) drop the collection type in the child edition first.

alter session set edition="ALPHA";
drop type myct;

alter session set edition="ORA$BASE";
drop type myot;

c) actualize the object type in the child edition
This is easiest when done before dropping the type.

alter session set edition="ALPHA";
alter type myot compile;

Compiling the type creates a copy of the code in the data dictionary. From that point on any drop will leave a proper reference in the data dictionary of each edition. Cross edition references will not happen when all objects are actualized always. That is also why I start creating new objects in ALPHA and then move them to BETA and later for final testing to ORA$BASE.

Further complications

This looks a bit complicated, but after all we knew what we were doing. So it shouldn’t pose a too big of a problem. Right?

Let me introduce you to 12.2 oracle maintained sys_plsql types.

Since 12.2 plsql pipelined table functions do not need a dedicated SQL type anymore. If we create such a function, typically inside some package, we can create the needed structures (types) purely inside the package spec.

I also dropped all the previously created objects to avoid confusions.


create or replace package myPkg
  authid definer
  type ot_typ is record (col1 number, col2 varchar2(30));
  type ct_typ is table of ot_typ;
  function myFnc return ct_typ pipelined;

create or replace package body myPkg 
  function myFnc return ct_typ pipelined 
    vRow ot_typ := ot_typ();
    for i in 1..5 loop
      vRow.col1 := i;
      vRow.col2 := chr(ascii('A')-1+i);
      pipe row(vRow);
    end loop;
  end myFnc;

Now run the function. Since 12.2 there is no need to add the TABLE() operator anymore. However because of name resolution issues, then the function needs a trailing pair of parenthesis.

-- table "operator" syntax
select * from table(myPkg.myFnc); 

-- syntax without table keyword
select * from myPkg.myFnc(); 
1    A
2    B
3    C
4    D
5    E

The function successfully returns five rows. No SQL type was actively created. This was needed in the past but is not needed anymore.

Also if we check the dictionary, we do not see any new types. But they secretly exist. If we check user_dependencies (or dba_objects) we can see them.

select * from user_types;
no data found
select * from user_dependencies;

The view shows a set of types that all start with the almost identical name. Most importantly type SYS_PLSQL_9C0C5336_24_1 depends on type SYS_PLSQL_9C0C5336_9_1.

This was the output in 18c (18.7). The result changed in a 19c database. More about that later.

These two types match the type definitions in the package spec.

type ot_typ is record (col1 number, col2 varchar2(30));
type ct_typ is table of ot_typ;

Depending on how the package is then changed in different editions, it can happen that a cross edition dependency is created for those sys_plsql types. This can then prevent further compilation of the package in one of the editions.

We encountered such a scenario during development in an 18.7 database base. However the used types were considerably more complex. At some point we were not able to compile a package body because of a missing spec. However the spec was there and could apparently be compiled (but secretly would not properly compile).

I was able to track down the problem to a cross edition type dependency for the generated sys_plsql types. Dropping those types (in the relevant editions) allowed us to recompile the package spec and the package bodies.

If you encounter such a case a drop of all the sys_plsql types in each edition and a package recompile then solves the issue.

Behaviour in 19c (19.3)

The general cross edition type dependency issue also exists in 19c.

The sys_plsql types are not shown anymore in the dictionary views – I am not sure if the same behaviour still is in use. I could not reproduce the package problem that we encountered in an 18c (18.7) database that was caused by the sys_plsql types using a simple test case – neither in 18c nor in 19c. Which does not mean, that the problem is gone. Only that it is tricky to recreate.

The 18c and 19c patch release notes do not indicate any changes for the sys_plsql types – so it is not clear if there was a released bug that was fixed. Maybe some internal behaviour was changed but no note is added in the documentation about this.

However in the EBR guide the following is mentioned under Evolutionary capability improvements

The dependency model is now fine-grained: e.g. adding a new column to a table, or a new subprogram to a package spec, no longer invalidates the dependants.


Make sure to always compile all code in your specific edition. This actualizes all the objects and the editions are then independent from each other.

Start by adding new code objects in the child edition first, before you move it to the parent.

Under EBR consider to use specific SQL types for table functions, even if they are not needed anymore. This will give you a tiny bit more control over the code and a better chance to react to problematic dependency issues.

EBR – how to run a background job in the correct edition


Edition based redefinition is a no extra cost feature of the oracle database. It allows to have multiple versions of the same plsql based code (packages, views, triggers, object types, synonyms, …) in the database at the same time.

Code, that starts a scheduled background job, should execute this background job in the same current edition.

Here is how do it using job classes.


First create a job class that connects to a specific edition via a service name

  dbms_scheduler.create_job_class (
    job_class_name => 'JCED_DEV$ALPHA',
    service => 'DEV_ALPHA'

Then start the background job using that job class.

v_jobclass_prefix := 'JCED_';
v_jobname := 'myJob';
dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name            => v_jobname,
                          job_type            => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
                          job_action          => 'myPkg.doSomething',
                          job_class           => v_jobclass_prefix ||sys_context('userenv','current_edition_name'),
                          number_of_arguments => 0,
                          start_date          => sysdate,
                          enabled             => true,
                          auto_drop           => true);

Problem description

This article assumes some basic understanding of the edition based redefinition (EBR) feature of the oracle database.

Scheduled jobs do run in the background in a separate new session. Any new session runs in the default edition of the database, unless it specifies the edition at the time the session is created.

It is possible to switch the edition on demand during a session, but this is not recommended. Chris Saxon misused this possibility for one of his SQL Magic tricks. Not everything that is possible should be used.

Chris Saxon – SQL Magic


A scheduled job can use a job class. A job class can be set to use a database service. A database service can be set to connect to a specific edition.

When using EBR it is a recommended practice to create a service for each edition and possibly another one for the default edition. Information how to create a service for an edition can by found on one of my older blog entries: working with editions – part 2. Also Oren Nakdimon recently publiced a very nice article about it: using services for exposing new editions .

The following assumes that we have three editions ORA$BASE, TST$BETA and DEV$ALPHA. It also assumes that we have created matching database services ORA_BASE, TST_BETA and DEV_ALPHA and that those services are running.

create the job classes

For each edition we create a job class JCED_<edition_name> (JCED_ORA$BASE, JCED_TST$BETA and JCED_DEV$ALPHA). This can be done with DBA or with the MANAGE SCHEDULER privilege.

Job classes also allow to prioritize between jobs and to connect them to a ressource group.

I’m using a prefix JCED (Job Class EDitioned) to tag the classes. You can use any name you want, but it is advisable to have some common identification for the classes. The name also allows me later to find the correct job class, depending on the current edition of the session.

-- Run as DBA
  dbms_scheduler.create_job_class (
    job_class_name => 'JCED_ORA$BASE',
    service => 'ORA_BASE'

  dbms_scheduler.create_job_class (
    job_class_name => 'JCED_TST$BETA',
    service => 'TST_BETA'

  dbms_scheduler.create_job_class (
    job_class_name => 'JCED_DEV$ALPHA',
    service => 'DEV_ALPHA'

Then we need to make those classes available to the user that will later create the scheduled jobs.

grant execute on sys.JCED_ORA$BASE to mySchema;
grant execute on sys.JCED_TST$BETA to mySchema;
grant execute on sys.JCED_DEV$ALPHA to mySchema;

It is also possible to allow a schema to use any class.

grant execute any class to mySchema;

Job classes do not belong to any schema. They are always created in SYS. Something to keep in mind, for example when exporting/importing schemas to another database.

programatically create a job

The following function creates a background job using the current edition. The job calls a procedure with 3 arguments.

The function is part of some larger package myPackage. It is assumed that the doSomething procedure is also part of the same package.

/* constant declaration section in package body */
  g_jobclass_prefix     constant varchar2(10) := 'JCED_';

/* modules */

function createBackgroundJob(p_id in number, p_starttime in timestamp) return varchar2
  co_modul_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(96) := $$PLSQL_UNIT || '.createBackgroundJob';
  v_job_nr binary_Integer;
  v_jobname varchar2(100);

  v_jobname := 'myJob_'||to_char(p_id);
  dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name            => v_jobname,
                            job_type            => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
                            job_action          => $$plsql_unit || '.doSomething',
                            job_class           => g_jobclass_Prefix||sys_context('userenv','current_edition_name'),
                            number_of_arguments => 3,
                            start_date          => p_starttime,
                            enabled             => FALSE,
                            auto_drop           => true);
  dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name=>v_jobname, argument_position=>1, argument_value=>p_id);
  dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name=>v_jobname, argument_position=>2, argument_value=>'RUN QUICK');
  dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name=>v_jobname, argument_position=>3, argument_value=>myPackage.g_trace_level);

  return v_jobname;
end createBackgroundJob;

The name of the job class is calculated using the name of the current edition by sys_context('userenv','current_edition_name').

start the background job

The createBackgroundJob function only prepares the background job. To run it, we need to call the create function and enable the job afterwards.

  job varchar2(128);
  job := myPackage.createBackgroundJob(1, localtimestamp);


Using job classes is a easy way to start a scheduled job in the same edition that the currently running session is in

Further remarks


I used this logic to split a plsql heavy task into several worker tasks that could run in parallel. I wanted to make sure that the parallel execution was done using the same edition as the thread that started it.


I did not test if it is possible to run lightweight jobs in a specific edition. There seems to be no obvious restriction that prevents using a job class also for lightweight jobs.

Since job classes belong to sys sometimes they need to be with the schemaname in front :sys.JCED_DEV$ALPHA.

It is not recommened to switch an edition from inside some code, because that code itself is running in a specific edition (the default one). This is very hard to control and to do properly.

Jobs are created with job names in upper case. In some cases we need to make sure to use the upper cased job name, to find/handle the correct job.

Error handling

Error handling needs special care when combining scheduled jobs and editions. For example I make sure that proper instrumentation is in place and that the log entry also includes the edition in which the error happend. In some situations, like if the service is dropped, then the session is still created, but falls back to the default edition. We want to be sure, that we notice any issues arising from such a situation.

The EBnoR Manifesto

The “EBnoR” Manifesto


Edition based not only redefinition

Author: Sven-Uwe Weller


ceo syntegris information solutions GmbH




Mission Statement

Edition based redefinition

EBR – is not well known.

It is barely used.

Edition based not only redefinition

EBnoR – will change that.

EBR is a tool with unique possibilities.

EBnoR deals with cases


the originally intended scope.

EBR is difficult to use.

EBnoR is easy to use.

EBnoR avoids complexities.

EBnoR is powered by the strengths of EBR.




EBR Basics

Edition based redefinition is a unique feature of the Oracle database that is available since version 11.2. It can be used at no additional license costs in all database editions (EE, SE, SE1, SE2, XE).

The term “edition” is used to describe a set of plsql based objects. Among those object types are plsql packages, views and synonyms. A complete list is here in the Oracle documentation.

A different edition can hold different code for the same plsql object. In essence each edition resembles a version of your database application code. EBR allows to store and run different versions of your application at the same time. The different code versions do exist inside the database at the same time.

This opens up a whole set of some very special possibilities that usually do not exist in other environments. EBR allows to do an upgrade to a new application release without shutting down the application. The new code version is installed in a new edition. Currently running sessions will still work with the old release. Deployment problems can be tested using the new release. Once those issues are solved, then the new edition is made available (as the new default edition). Only when a user ends his (database) session and reconnects then the new code version from the now new default edition will be used.

distinction to VCS

EBR should not be confused with a version control system like SVN or GIT. Although there are some similarities it serves a different purpose. A version control system supports the development and deployment process for a team of programmers. They can store and merge code there. Forks and code branches can be used to support development that temporarily goes into different directions. Code merges allow to combine branches again. This is something that EBR can and will not do. EBR is about running the different code versions in parallel. Application end users profit from EBR, not developers. At best an edition resembles a release in the version control system.

Sven says: A VCS saves and documents code, EBR executes code.

versions of data

Data resides in tables. Tables are not editionable objects. That means two things. Changes to table structures are not editionable directly. And the data itself is not subject to code release changes. That is a good thing. The data and the code that works with the data is separated.

Creating a new edition means that code is duplicated. Code can be duplicated easily,  duplicating data is a much bigger issue.

Sometimes a code change requires to change existing data. This increases the complexity to run the old and the new code version at the same time. EBR offers solutions using cross-edition triggers and editioning views. How to use cross edition triggers is described in Bryn Llewellyn’s excellent white paper from 2009 ( Read and understand this paper first before you go on and read this manifesto.

“Executive Overview

Large, mission critical applications built on Oracle Database 11g Release 1 and earlier versions are often unavailable for tens of hours while the application’s database objects are patched or upgraded. Oracle Database 11g Release 2 introduces edition-based redefinition, a revolutionary new capability that allows online application upgrade with uninterrupted availability of the application. When the installation of the upgrade is complete, the pre-upgrade application and the post-upgrade application can be used at the same time. Therefore an existing session can continue to use the pre-upgrade application until its user decides to end it; and all new sessions can use the post-upgrade application. As soon as no sessions are any longer using the pre-upgrade application, it can be retired. In other words, the application as a whole enjoys hot rollover from the pre-upgrade version to the post-upgrade version.

This whitepaper explains how edition-based redefinition works, and how to write online application upgrade scripts using this capability, at the level of detail needed by engineers who will write such scripts.”

the current status

EBR is in the market for a long time now. Still many developers and DBAs do not know about it. If they know about it, they are not using it actively. I identified a set of problem areas that are responsible for this current status of EBR. I see possible solutions. Using EBR the focus should not only be on redefining the code, instead EBR can open up a set of new and unique possibilities. Zero downtime application upgrades are only one of them. I call the set of solutions “Edition based not only redefinition”  or short EBnoR.

problem areas under the influence of intelligent people (developers and DBAs)

the deployment dilemma shortly before GO-live it is too late to think about EBR
the design change gamble keep changes required by EBR at a minimum, design with EBR in mind
the zero downtime promise Perfectness – if even possible – is expensive. Don’t go for perfectness, almost perfect is good enough.
the cross edition complexity Cross edition triggers are needed for extrem cases. Huge effort for only a tiny result.

problem areas influencing decision makers (architects and project managers)

the cross plattform independency nonsense EBR is only available for Oracle databases
the marketing confusion Editions are not license editions

EBnoR does offer solutions to each of those problem areas. Using small sidesteps from Oracles recommend path will lead to major improvements in development time, flexibility and ultimately results in a quicker learning curve.

The “deployment dilemma”

The advantages of EBR shine during one of the later steps in the software development lifecycle – the deployment phase. The dilemma is that at such a late point the additional programming effort to use EBR competes with adding more features or bug fixing of the application.

Oracle propagates that the advantage of using EBR to do application upgrades with minimal downtime is so big, that it is worth the additional effort and time. This is true in very rare cases only and mostly only for very large companies than can effort to spent money on this additional effort.


The problem is the decision point. Budget is reserved for a specific change in one application. There never is enough budget. There never is additional budget. Especially not shortly before the next application upgrade will go live. At this point there is not enough budget and not enough time.

EBR is a tool not an application itself. As such most companies hesitate to set up an extra project or a major software change just for using a tool.


The decision needs to be moved from budget owners to the developers and to an early point during the software life cycle. Only then will EBR find more integrations.

EBnoR: Start with EBR from day 1 in the project!

Use editions already during development!

The “design change gamble”

EBR requires some changes to the data design and to the schema.

One requirement is to add a view layer on top of all tables. Among others this allows to use cross edition triggers to do data changes. This is certainly a solid approach, however it is a major change to the data model. As such this will face critic from various other parties involved.

Typical arguments that are raised against such a change are:

  • Performance will suffer because of the view
  • The views do not confer to our naming conventions
  • The views hide complexity
  • Some tools work (better) with tables instead of views
  • Enabling EBR can not be undone

The gamble is that EBR will take the blame if implemented at a final stage during development. If any issue arises, e.g. performance in the production environment drops, some will argue that the reason is in the additional view layer. Just because that was the only thing that was changed. It might be hard to prove otherwise, as long as comparable performance data is missing.

Editions can be dropped. Switching on editioning in the database has no implications on using the feature or removing editioning features.


EBnoR: Avoid major design changes!

Use a view layer if possible. If not, still use EBR without this extra layer.

Test early while using editioning!

The “zero downtime promise”

Absolute zero downtime is very hard to reach. Even a simple ALTER TABLE statement will lock the full table. During that the table is not available. Sessions will wait (which is a different term for downtime)  or even break.

Focus on changes that have a minimal impact on downtime. For example adding a column is usually no problem. Even if the column is added to the old application without adding the new code it should not break anything. Write your application in such a way that added columns will not break existing code. This is easy to do. If the column is mandatory always provide a default value. Updating the data in this column might need more time. Dropping a column should be avoided because this usually breaks old application versions.

If the normal downtime window is a few days, then using EBR can change that window to less than an hour by focusing on the DML changes (tables mostly). For a normal user such a small downtime window is the same as zero. He will often not even notice such a short break. This does not mean that the new application version needs to be available after an hour. But just that after an hour the user is able to continue to work with the old version. After that downtime window the new edition can be installed, tested and then a gradual switch over of user sessions can be done.

Zero downtime is expensive. Even with EBR.


EBnoR: Aim for very low but not for zero downtime.

Don’t promise zero to users!

The “crossedition complexity”

Bryns paper describes how to use cross edition triggers to handle data changes between one application version and the next one. There is a major intrinsic problem with that. Let us first investigate how cross edition triggers work.

Cross edition triggers allow to manipulate data in one edition and add transformation logic so that the same dataset is correctly represented in the next or previous edition.

  • “A forward crossedition trigger is fired by application DML issued by sessions using the pre-upgrade edition. Such a trigger is used to implement transformations from the old representation forwards into the new representation.“
  • “A reverse crossedition trigger is fired by application DML issued by sessions using the post-upgrade edition. Such a trigger is used to implement transformations from the new representation backwards into the old representation.”

The problem is not how to write a trigger, but in the complexity of forward and backward data manipulations.

Sometimes the data manipulation needed to go to the next application version is simple, but can not be automated easily. Manual data cleansing actions can be such a case.

Some scenarios do not have a simple 1 to 1 transformation rule from data in the edition A and data in edition B. To do the forward transformation is usually part of the project. Very often it is much harder to provide the backward transformation. Sometimes this is only possible while keeping the old data structure thereby duplicating and replicating data. This defies the original reason for change.

The EBR solution is to have this change only temporarily. Therefore old editions should be dropped very soon after the application was switched to the new code (and data) version.


  • Often requires to store several versions of the same data. Usually in different columns.
  • Need to automate data transformation rules
  • Huge additional effort not related to a better application
  • Multiple editions require lots of cross edition triggers


Start slow and avoid cross edition data transformations!

This needs some explanation and examples.


For example if a design decision was made to trim the time component from all date values in a column. So that instead of a range comparison an equal comparison can be made.

Old code:

dateCol >= trunc(:searchDate) and dateCol < trunc(:searchDate) + 1

New code:

dateCol = trunc(:searchDate)

The typical change includes a DML statement that updates the column using TRUNC.

update myTable
set dateCol = trunc(dateCol)
where dateCol != trunc(dateCol);

This change can not be undone because information (the time component) is lost.

So to write a reverse crossedition trigger to mimic the exact same source data is difficult.

One solution could involve keeping the old column including time precision and adding a second column that holds only the truncated date value. Then add (or change) a editioning view in the old and new edition that serves as an api to the relevant column. A forward crossedition trigger would truncate the data that is inserted using the old application version. But without knowing where the time component is coming from, it would be impossible to write a reverse edition trigger that adds the time correctly. A default logic would be needed. Maybe depending on some other values. Like the time should be between the time from previous and following rows. So we need several new objects, a fairly complex code to do the reverse change, the data model is more complex than the simple update solution but above all data would be duplicated.

But why care? In this specific example the old application code might still work, even if the time component is truncated. So there a two possible easy ways to avoid complexity

  1. run the update several times, for example after each batch load of new data
  2. add a normal db trigger in the old edition that truncates all newly inserted date values
:new.dateCol := trunc(:old.dateCol)

Yes this would require a change in the old edition and as such would change old application code. If this can not be done because of organisational hurdles, then create an intermediate “preparation” edition and add the trigger there.

Consider a step by step approach. There are many situations out there, where we can get away without the need to implement additional cross edition logic. Avoiding this helps to get EBR started and become acquainted with the feature. Once we got used to it, we can add more – eventually even using cross edition logic for specific use cases.

EBnoR: Do not depend on editioning views, do not use cross edition triggers.

Avoid deleting objects, don’t hesitate to add objects (especially columns).

If you need to delete objects this will influence all editions. After careful consideration just do it. After all, rules are there to be broken. Announce it as a major application version which will take a small downtime. Do not let the zero downtime paradigm make you write complex code. Complex code in the end costs more in terms of maintainability and testing effort.

learning curve considerations

A learning curve comparison shows how a reduced approach will ease the first steps into the feature.

  • plsql code versions: start using EBR already during development. Then the developers get used to working with editions. Building a new release and deploying it in a specific edition then is nothing strange anymore. Do development and tests in the same database but in different editions. Each step in the development lifecycle deserves a new edition.
  • design changes: avoid changes in the data model that would influence old editions in a negative way. For example avoid dropping columns. Also write your code in a way it does not break when a new column is added to a table. Model your data first before you start to build a new application.
  • low or zero downtime: often a tiny downtime is ok. If the aim is to be fast, but not to be perfect then the additional effort suddenly is way reduced.  Do not aim for perfectness!
    Example: Adding a column to a table requires that the table is locked for a moment. Especially if the new column is not null and is filled with some extra values. Other session might wait for this. If the table is very very large such a lock can take some time. If it takes a  minute thats fine. It will not be zero downtime, but almost every project can effort to wait a minute during a new deployment.  If it takes half a day, then you must invest effort to optimise it.
  • cross edition data: avoid using cross edition triggers. They serve only a very specific very special purpose. Build your data changes in a way that you do not depend on cross edition triggers. The need for cross edition triggers is the major contributor to why there is a increased programming effort when EBR is used.

The “cross platform independency nonsense”

“EBR can not be used in our company because we want to stay database vendor independent”

Such an argument can often be heard from java developers or other programmers outside of the database world.

An analogy

You brought a Porsche 911. This is an expensive but very fast car. However you choose not to drive it in 5th and 6th gear because there are other cars out there that do not have a 5th and sth gear. Does this make sense?

In my opinion the claim for database independency is often made to hide the incompetency or inability of the developer to learn about the unique features that their specific database allows. In general it is easy to structure code in such a way that vendor specific features are encapsulated and properly modularized. This will made future changes to another database less problematic.

This is also true for EBR. If you decide to enable and use editions you can do it in such a way that all the specific implementation details are hidden from the normal code. The developers and the DBAs should be “edition aware”. But after some initial setup, there is no extra effort that EBR requires. In general you would simply use a connect string that connects to the edition of your choice. There is almost no need to consider editions directly in the code.

There are a few exceptions. Like if you want to start a scheduled job then you proabably want to start that job in the same edition as the session that is currently running and creates that job. This is possible using a job class using a service that is tied to an edition. Or more general: Everytime you have a kind of client access to your database, you want to make sure that you can influence the edition that is used at connection time.


Modularize and structure your code well!

Immediately counter the argument by using strong analogies.

The “marketing confusion”

I think the EBR name is suboptimal (nicely spoken). First of all the term “edition” is confusing, because it is also used as a name for database editions (EE, SE, XE). The R stands for “redefinition”. The term is a poor description of adding a new code release to your application.

I admit I’m not creative enough to suggest a better name, but as an analyst I’m able to pinpoint a flaw when I see one.

Nowadays every “thing” or “technology” has a smart speaking name and a funny logo.  The name usually is also an abbreviation, and one could think this is only of minor importance. It is not. This is the name that feature/tool goes by. This name and logo is used in slides, presentations, and social media channels.

some examples 

Node JS packages:

Here are just a few of them. But every of those javascript packages has a small but recognisable logo added.


Architecture components for Spark:


Just look at all those small but important looking pics in this simple architecture diagram. It makes you feel as if you missed something important, if you don’t know them all.


  • EBR is hard to pronounce and to spell out.
  • The term “edition” is already established in the Oracle namespace. And usually it stands close to “license costs”.
  • A nice enchanting logo is missing.


  • EBnoR / EbanoR = Edition based not only Redefinition
  • Edi
  • ebar
  • PRETI = plsql runtime environment and test integration
  • or something completely different = OSCD (could be in use already by some other organisation)


Oracle, get some logo wizards and marketing people to work on that!





beyond EBR

The EBR feature allows to do more than the standard model intended by the Oracle development team.

The standard model is

  1. install a new application version in a new edition in production
  2. test if the deployment went well
  3. switch the current edition to the new edition
  4. after some short grace period drop the old edition

During this whole time the impact on connected users is minimal.

This is great!

But there is more…

Using EBR in certain ways can open up new possibilities and ease the upgrade pain.

New possibilities include

restore and run old code

Assume a problem is reported, where you suspect that the reason is gone meanwhile. But the problem existed inside some older code version. Useing EBR it is now possible to quickly prove that assumption. Create a new edition in the environment where you want to reproduce the issue (usually DEV, but might be some integration or QA test database). Fetch the old plsql code from your versioning system and add it into this new edition.

Run the test in both editions to see if the problem occurs with the old code but not with the new code.

After that test simple throw away the whole edition (drop edition cascade).

develop and test in the same database

Build releases in ORA$BASE

=> test in edition TST$BETA

=> develop in edition DEV$ALPHA.

This is something I discovered when actively developing and working with EBR. It is one of the best things to do. It might even save license costs because you can eliminate a complete test database. Although some test databases do not need additional licenses. It does not mean you can save up upon tests. But certain types of tests can profit hugely from EBR. Testers use one edition, developers use another (child) edition. Developers can actively analyse bugs that testers found without the need to move data from the test to the dev database. And developers can fix bugs without disturbing tests running in the same database.

Build the test environment automatically from your versioning system.

provide backward compatibility

This is often useful for API development (see also ThickDB | SmartDB paradigm).

APIs provide a specific interface (usually views and plsql packages). APIs expose a limited set of objects and methods for a specific task. APIs do not expose data directly. This is were EBR shines. All those objects are editionalble objects!

Often we have multiple and different consumers using the same api. If API functionality is enhanced, then we can provide the newer version of the API in a new edition. If we keep the old edition instead of dropping it almost immediately, consumers can still use their old code without the need to immediatly switch to the new version.

As long as cross edition triggers can be avoided, there are no major problems with keeping multiple API versions for a longer period of time.

Tipp: All editioned objects should be compiled in each edition even if there was no change. This actualizes a separate code version in each new edition.



the EBnoR (Edition Based not only Redefinition) approach

  • Start using EBR on day 1 in the project
  • Aim for low but not zero downtime
  • Avoid (complex) cross edition logic
  • Develop and test in the same database in different editions



Some final words

I had planned to publish this manifesto for quite a long time time (several years now). Since I started to put down those thoughts, EBR was enhanced. New recommendations have been made by Oracle plsql development. Other people, including the AskTom Team, encountered similar things with EBR. Some of those ideas and recommendations match with EBnoR. Still I expect EBnoR to be very controversial. This is intended.

For sake of brevety I skipped a larger part of examples and direct code demos.

EBR also still has issues where I see no immediate solution. For example editions are database level objects. As a developer I would prefere them to be schema level objects. The problems connected to this are beyond the scope of even EBnoR.


sqldev alert - overwrite package body modifications

DBA/Dev quick tipp: recover lost package body under EBR


It can happen that SQL developer suggests to reload an old package body that you are currently working on. If you click the suggested “autoupdate” then you will loose all current changes that you made to the package body. This just happened to a collegue of mine.

sqldev alert - overwrite package body modifications

It is possible to recover the old code using the flashback feature of the oracle database. But one has to be quicker than the undo retention period of the database.

If the schema was edition enabled this complicates things a tiny bit further. We need to make sure to fetch the plsql code from the correct edition that we are interested in.

When we are quering normal data dictionary views like DBA_SOURCE this will always use the current edition. DBA_SOURCE_AE will show all code editions.

Flashback does not work well with data dictionary views. However we can use the base tables and run a flashback query there to see the old package code.


Three simple statements will do it.

Set your dba session to use the correct edition (this might not be needed if the object id is found using a slightly different query). The edition needs to match the edition where the source code was originally compiled


Find the object id of the package body

Use the correct name of the package and your edition name

select obj#
where name = 'MYPACKAGE'
and type# = 11 -- package body
and namespace = 2
and defining_edition = 'DEV$ALPHA';

Flashback query to show the source code for the identified object

select *
from sys.source$
--versions between timestamp (systimestamp - interval '25' minute) and systimestamp
as of timestamp (systimestamp - interval '25' minute)
where obj# = 1906090;





The starting situation can be reproduced by changeing body and spec of the same package. Once the spec is recompiled, the body needs to be recompiled too. Then SQL developer suggests to load the new code (which is in fact the old code). If you click yes, it will overwrite the current changes.